ʻAloha! E Komo Mai - Welcome to MauiRadio.net
Streaming Waves of ʻAloha from Hawaiʻi Nei
Malaki - March 2025
We stay growing. Fresh sounds, new voices!
Streaming Aloha Worldwide
Creative, experimental, educational, non-commercial soundscape devoted to Maui Nui and Hawaiʻi Nei. Music (mele) from the past 150+ years, ʻōlelo (Hawaiʻian language), cultural practices, wisdom, humor, island life, kānaka, community members, story tellers... Kaniʻāina. Hoʻomanaʻo. Get RadioActive!
Streaming 24x7 since 2018 and still stay going. Shoots den!
"Activate Your Ears!"
- MauiRadio.net 🎙️ ❤️ 😎
Many mele. New and old and in-between. Music from the 1800's, recordings since the 1920's, songs of ʻaloha, love, praise and protest. Fresh, ono-licious audio streams slide in on waves (heʻe nalu) of acoustic ʻaloha.
All kine Hawaiʻian style!
Hawaiʻian Kingdom rise, overthrow, and U.S. apology. Banning and revival of ʻōlelo - Hawaiian language. Voices young and old. Two versions of the Hawaiʻian national anthem. Music composed by Queen Liliʻuokalani. "Notable Dates in Hawaiian History" (original series).
The Leilani who inspired Harry Owens' classic 1937 song, Sweet Leilani, and his Royal Hawaiʻian Orchestra. A Hawaiʻian elder, born in 1897, talking story at age 80 about life in East Maui back when. Hawaiian customs and practices.
Farmers, fishers, kupuna (elders), chefs, crafters, community leaders, conservationists, activists, artists, and entertainers, Hawaiʻi's Reggae Ambassador, Marty Dread, local singers, songwriters, musicians, comedians, and more da kine.
A culture of the sea. Celestial navigation. Fish ponds. Earth's orbit in relation to Hawaiʻian legend.
Stories (moʻolelo), songs (mele), chants (oli), and sounds from Hawaiʻi, rising 10,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, far from any continent.
Learn How 'n Why Hawaiʻi Stay Living ʻAloha with precepts and practice of ʻaloha, ʻohana (family), mālama (care for), kuleana (responsibility), kokua (aid, assist), hoʻomanawanui (patience), hoʻomau (perseverance), lōkahi (harmony), hoʻonani (beauty), et al. Yes, aye!
Living in the Hawaiʻian Islands is not the same as living on a continent. Consider Maui's extraordinary topology and climate varieties and understand mauō (sustainability) from an ahupuaʻa, mauka to makai (mountain to ocean), indigenous Hawaiʻian point of view.
ʻIke - Thrive: Made in Hawaiʻi, island-style self-reliance, Kanaka tradition, mālama ʻāina (care for the land), mālama pono (care for righteousness), lōkahi (harmony). Hawaiʻi is called to honor its wisdom, ways, and wai (water), grow more life-enhancing food, generate more energy locally, and better manage local economics, natural resources, and garbage aka waste. Protect, redirect, reroute Hawai'i away from a vulnerable and dangerous dependence on distant imports. Imua! Kamau! HipaHipa!
MauiRadio.net: Songs (mele), sounds, chants (oli), and stories (mo-olelo).
Maui has 17 altitude-determined microclimates. As a result, weather and climate conditions vary from place to place. Itʻs only a 37 mile drive from the beach at sea level in Paia to 10,000 feet atop Haleakalā ("House of the Sun"), the shortest such distance on earth. If ya wanna weather change, try cruise 15 minutes to a new environment on Maui.
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❤️ Streaming since 2018! Now in our 7th Year! ❤️
Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono.
- King Kamehameha III
The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
We're all in the same canoe.
- Solomon Pili Kahoʻohalahala
He aliʻi ka ʻāina; he kaua ke kanaka.
Land is chief; people are its servants.
Ola i ka Wai ~ Water is Life.
Our ʻĀina is Our ʻOhana.
- Hawaiian Perspective
Aloha ~ Love in the presence of breath.