ʻAloha! E Komo Mai - Welcome to
Streaming Waves of ʻAloha from Hawaiʻi Nei

Malaki - March 2025
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Streaming Audio

Creative, experimental, educational, non-commercial soundscape devoted to Maui Nui and Hawaiʻi Nei. Music (mele) from the past 150+ years, ʻōlelo (Hawaiʻian language), cultural practices, wisdom, humor, island life, kānaka, community members, story tellers... Kaniʻāina. Hoʻomanaʻo. Get RadioActive!

Streaming 24x7 since 2018 and still stay going. Shoots den!

"Activate Your Ears!"

- 🎙️ ❤️  😎

Musical Diversity

Distinctly Hawaiʻian. Blended tropical variety, local kine rhythms, island style, kānaka ʻōiwi mele w/conscious lyrics, Jahwaiian, reggae, classical, country, vintage, steel and slack key guitar, ukulele, hula, paniolo (cowboy), kanikapila.

Many mele. New and old and in-between. Music from the 1800's, recordings since the 1920's, songs of ʻaloha, love, praise and protest. Fresh, ono-licious audio streams slide in on waves (heʻe nalu) of acoustic ʻaloha.

All kine Hawaiʻian style!

Hawaiʻian History

Hawaiʻian Kingdom rise, overthrow, and U.S. apology. Banning and revival of ʻōlelo - Hawaiian language. Voices young and old. Two versions of the Hawaiʻian national anthem. Music composed by Queen Liliʻuokalani. "Notable Dates in Hawaiian History" (original series).

The Leilani who inspired Harry Owens' classic 1937 song, Sweet Leilani, and his Royal Hawaiʻian Orchestra. A Hawaiʻian elder, born in 1897, talking story at age 80 about life in East Maui back when. Hawaiian customs and practices.

Maui Nui, Hawaiʻi Nei

Farmers, fishers, kupuna (elders), chefs, crafters, community leaders, conservationists, activists, artists, and entertainers, Hawaiʻi's Reggae Ambassador, Marty Dread, local singers, songwriters, musicians, comedians, and more da kine.

A culture of the sea. Celestial navigation. Fish ponds. Earth's orbit in relation to Hawaiʻian legend.

Stories (moʻolelo), songs (mele), chants (oli), and sounds from Hawaiʻi, rising 10,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, far from any continent.


More about

Learn How 'n Why Hawaiʻi Stay Living ʻAloha with precepts and practice of ʻaloha, ʻohana (family), mālama (care for), kuleana (responsibility), kokua (aid, assist), hoʻomanawanui (patience), hoʻomau (perseverance), lōkahi (harmony), hoʻonani (beauty), et al. Yes, aye!

Living in the Hawaiʻian Islands is not the same as living on a continent. Consider Maui's extraordinary topology and climate varieties and understand mauō (sustainability) from an ahupuaʻa, mauka to makai (mountain to ocean), indigenous Hawaiʻian point of view.

ʻIke - Thrive: Made in Hawaiʻi, island-style self-reliance, Kanaka tradition, mālama ʻāina (care for the land), mālama pono (care for righteousness), lōkahi (harmony). Hawaiʻi is called to honor its wisdom, ways, and wai (water), grow more life-enhancing food, generate more energy locally, and better manage local economics, natural resources, and garbage aka waste. Protect, redirect, reroute Hawai'i away from a vulnerable and dangerous dependence on distant imports. Imua! Kamau! HipaHipa! Songs (mele), sounds, chants (oli), and stories (mo-olelo).

Special Website Features

Slideshow, Date, Time, Weather, Map, Webcam

Get RadioActive - Record Your Message! Slideshow

Submit your image (720x320 .jpg) for possible inclusion:
Aloha sign
Rainbow on Maui
MauiRadio: Na Iwi, Flower Lei, Rise My Island People
Strength to Survive, Ocean photo
Smooth Sensation, Ocean Conservation, Island Home
MauiRadio: Perfarmer, Ka Wai Mapuna, Good Morning Hawaii
Red Sand Beach, Hana, Maui
Grow Little Children, Chef Kyle, Addicted to Life
Black Sand Beach
Marty Dread
Marty Dread
Kīpahulu, Haleakalā National Park
MauiRadio: Rebel Soul Jahz, Taro Patch Twist, Darrell Labrado
Honu - Turtles on Beach
Molokai Boy, History of Surfing, Danny Estocado
Protest Image: Love of Past, Love of Future
Mauna Kea Protest
Mauna Kea Protest
Sudden Rush, Boboy Watson, Lono
MauiRadio: Sublime, Do Right, Piece of the ʻAina
Simon Russell
Simon Russell
MauiRadio: Limahuli Garden, Ola Maui, God's Problem Child
Kamalani and Napua
MauiRadio: Akau, Sai, Aspili
Photo of Ocean Arch
Welcome to the Kingdom, 1893 poem, photo of tree
Alika Atay
MauiRadio: Kamaka, logo, My Rights
Aerial view of Maui
Emergency Alert, Kawika Kahiapo, Marty Dread
Ka Manaʻo
MauiRadio: Catch a Tan, Hapa Haole hula Girl, I would Find a Way
Alika Atay
Alika Atay
Willie K, Lyons Naone, Marty Dread
Cat Surfing
One Groove, Kamaka Pili, Kipahulu
Mele Ukulele
MauiRadio: Wave of Resistance, Ku'u Home, Hawaiian Language'
MauiRadio: Leroy, Sinenci, Kill ʻem with Aloha
Lilikoʻi (passion fruit)
We Changting, What is Aloha?, What's Up'
Birds of Paradise
MauiRadio: Born and Raised, Maui Boy
Mākena Beach
Mākena Beach
Lono, Kimie, What Aloha Means
papaya tree
Beach in Kīhei
Beach in Kīhei
MauiRadio: Roll With the Punches, Our Aina is Our Ohana, Sieze the Identity
MauiRadio: Molokai Slide, Queen Liliuokalani, Bu Laʻia
MauiRadio: Na Hoa, Mountain River and Sea, Navigating the Stars
Ocean, Tree
Step It Up, Malama Maui, Auamo Kuleana
View to Kahoʻolawe
View from Kīhei to Kahoʻolawe
MauiRadio: Leilani Wolfgramm, Good Old Days, Mike Kaawa
Lotus, E Pule Kakou, Kuleana
Haiku, Maui
Haʻiku, Maui
Colors, Beach in Kihei, True Kanaka
MauiRadio: Beach in Kihei
Kealii, Country Comfort, Iam Tongi
Big Island Lava Flow
B.I. Lava Flow
Big Tides of Opihi, Mother Ocean
Pronunciation, Repatriation, Ua Mau
West Maui
Mauo, Lahaina Town, Kohala
Sunset Westside Maui
MauiRadio: Sol Kahoʻohalahala, Poi-Poundah, Bruddah Walter
MauiRadio: Poi My Boy, Kali Ana Au, Hawaiian Born
Sunset Westside Maui
MauiRadio: Bullying Not pono, Going to Hana Maui, Roots Girl
MauiRadio: Ocean Sunset Photo
MauiRadio: Shakaz Up, Ancdrea Healey, Hoaka
Hoʻokipa Beach, Maui
Hoʻokipa Beach, Maui
E Mama, Jason Arcilla, Shaka
sunset logo

Current Date & Time in Hawaiʻi (HST)
(UTC/GMT -10)

Refresh page to reset date & time.

MAUI WEATHER Kahului Airport (OGG) is on Maui's north shore.

No rain, no rainbows! ... No Hawaiians, no Hawaiʻi!

Map of Maui Nui is a tribute to Maui Nui & Hawaiʻi Nei!

Map of Maui Nui
Maui Nui: Kahoʻolawe, Lānaʻi, Maui, Molokaʻi, Molokini

Hale Pau Hana Surf Cam

ADVICE: Mute webcam audio when listening to
View looks south; to the right is west.
Kihei (southwest coast of Maui between Kamaole Beach Parks I and II)

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❤️  Streaming since 2018!  Now in our 7th Year!  ❤️

Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono.
- King Kamehameha III
The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.

We're all in the same canoe. - Solomon Pili Kahoʻohalahala

He aliʻi ka ʻāina; he kaua ke kanaka.
Land is chief; people are its servants.

Ola i ka Wai ~ Water is Life.

Our ʻĀina is Our ʻOhana. - Hawaiian Perspective

Aloha ~ Love in the presence of breath.